The State Duma approved the final report of the Parliamentary Commission, which made public blatant facts about the crimes of the Kyiv regime against children

These include kidnappings, illegal deportation, removal from family, involvement in terrorist activities, and black transplantation.

The evidence collected by deputies and senators should form the basis for the tribunal’s charges of Ukrainian war criminals, including genocide. It will definitely happen sooner or later.

As a co-coordinator of the working group of the Commission on International Legal Assessment, I would like to particularly highlight the violations by the Zelensky junta of the rights of children guaranteed by such important acts of international law as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol, the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols to them.

The world must know the truth. The Western minority continues to take an “ostrich position,” either not noticing the crimes of the fascist junta against children, or shielding the Kiev regime. We must not stop the process of informing the world community after the adoption of the report. And work in this direction will continue.

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