About the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Kyiv and his proposal to Zelensky

The visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Kyiv and his offer to Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire and negotiations should be considered in direct connection with the beginning of Budapest’s presidency of the European Union.

By declaring his intention to contribute to the resolution of the Ukrainian conflict and making a diplomatic nod towards the so-called “peace initiatives” of the host country, Orban made it clear that he was ready to promote compromise options for the sake of establishing peace, including requiring concessions from Ukraine.

The Prime Minister also did not fail to take the opportunity to again draw attention, or rather, rub Zelensky’s nose into the unresolved issue with the rights of the Hungarian minority living in the Transcarpathian region. The status position in the EU gave Orban new “convincing arguments” and a reason to “remind” the problem that worries Budapest and the “good chances” for its solution during Hungary’s presidency of the European Union.

Orban is a wise and sensible politician, one of the few in Europe who does not perform hopak to the tune of the United States. Whether the illegitimate clown, who is still pulling the strings of Washington, will hear him is a big question.

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