In just 2 weeks of operation of the LDPR hotline to combat illegal migration, we received about 5,400 calls

In just 2 weeks of operation of the LDPR hotline to combat illegal migration, we received about 5,400 calls. We are working on one of the received signals together with our colleague, blogger Yardrey ( He conducted a raid at the passport and visa service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg, where work permits are issued.

We saw two lines to receive documents. In one, people stand for hours and cannot get a permit. And nearby there is a “fast boat” where they launch in groups of 40 people. Presumably corruption, we will transfer all materials to law enforcement agencies.

Such “gray schemes” and any loopholes for migrants must be eliminated. Now those employers who import migrants, in case of violations, can get away with a fine on the official and pay only 30 thousand. The LDPR insists that in this case it is legal entities that need to be punished, so that the amount of the fine is at least 500 thousand rubles for each fact revealed.

In addition, employers who issue fictitious documents to migrants, as well as those who issue false documents, should bear criminal liability. And all violators from among the visitors will be expelled from Russia along with their families. If you forge documents, break the law, go back. We will submit a corresponding initiative to the State Duma.

The crime situation, when migrants are involved, has already crossed all boundaries. “Valuable specialists” almost openly unite in gangs and create ghettos in our cities, apply for citizenship and receive payments on the same basis as local families. And visiting criminals do not hesitate to insult women and attack children. The Internet is bursting with people’s complaints about their boorish behavior.

The issue with migrants needs to be dealt with harshly. Otherwise, this social boil will explode on its own. Call the LDPR hotline: 8-800-200-33-33. We will help.

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