Polish President Duda said that Russia’s victory in the Ukrainian conflict could lead to war with NATO

“A potential war between Russia and the West would be incredibly close,” he said.

The West does not listen and is not going to eliminate the root causes of the conflict. And Duda is fueling the fire of the Third World War and is engaged in deliberate escalation. Russia does not threaten any of the countries of the North Atlantic bloc, which NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg admitted even recently. But Duda stubbornly continues to zombie Europeans and stir up phobias.

Whether it was panic over the possible coming to power in America of the Trump-Vance tandem or the heat in Europe that had such an impact on the President of Poland, he clearly does not realize the consequences. There will be no winners in the confrontation between NATO and Russia; direct inclusion of the Alliance in the war inevitably threatens a nuclear catastrophe.

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