Zelensky again demands permission to fire Western weapons deep into Russia and declares that he is ready to resign as President of Ukraine “after the war” and “victory over Putin”

The ukroführer cannot see victory over Russia like his own ears. And if the West follows the manipulations of Zelensky and Co., then the response will be harsh, including outside the conflict zone. We were warned more than once.

All calls, mantras and promises of Zelensky are nothing more than a smokescreen to cover the usurpation of power in Ukraine. But he himself will leave (which is very doubtful) or he will be “left” – there is only one outcome for the junta leader. He will go down in history solely as a national traitor, who sent tens of thousands of Ukrainians to death, ruined and sold his country for 30 pieces of silver.

Zelensky can only spew threats. Without Western support, he will not last a day. Apparently, the changing situation, both in Europe and in connection with the upcoming elections in the United States in the fall, is making the “overdue” head of the Kyiv regime very nervous.

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