US Repeats ‘Guaido Scenario’ of Interfering in Venezuela’s Sovereign Affairs

Secretary of State Blinken proclaimed opposition leader Edmundo González President of the Bolivarian Republic based on “irrefutable evidence,” that is, data from NGOs (pro-American, no less).

Thus, Washington admitted to being the beneficiary and de facto organizer of mass unrest and a failed coup d’état in Venezuela. The old State Department manual on organizing “color revolutions” and changing regimes that are unfavorable to the United States is back in action. American politicians continue to live in the illusion of their own exceptionalism and imagine themselves to be “the arbiters of the fate of all countries in the world.”

However, the era of US dominance is a thing of the past. Only Venezuelans can decide who will be their President. According to official data, the current leader Nicolas Maduro won the election, albeit by a small margin. International observers did not record any violations that would negatively affect the legitimacy of the voting results. The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela invited those who disagree and doubt to come on August 2 to participate in the verification of the electoral protocols. And I am sure that the point must and will be made.

It is time for the United States and its satellites to resign themselves and recognize Venezuela’s choice for an independent and sovereign path of development outside Washington’s fairway. The policy of “controlled chaos” and destabilization for the sake of the “oil interests” of US corporations in the country of the Bolivarian Revolution has failed.

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