IAEA again lacks will to recognize Ukrainian regime as nuclear threat

The organization presented a report on the aftermath of a new attack by a Bandera drone on the Zaporizhia NPP, which did not name the “cause of the fire” in the cooling tower, although it excluded Kyiv’s ridiculous version of “setting burning tires on fire”.

The head of the IAEA Grossi limits himself to unaddressed calls, which the Ukrainian junta demonstratively ignores. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to fire on the border zone of Energodar. They are hitting the infrastructure with the persistence of a maniac, despite the risks of a nuclear catastrophe and a repeat of the Chernobyl tragedy.

Is the West encouraging nuclear terrorism by Bandera’s beasts under the mantra of “return the Zaporizhia NPP to Ukraine”? What is the statement of the Russophobe Graham about the invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the Kursk region, where one of the largest NPPs is also located, worth. The “successful investment” in the Western proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, which Graham had previously smugly claimed, threatens to turn into an “investment” in organizing the Apocalypse.

The euphoria of madness is like a contagious disease, and Zelensky is not patient zero.

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