Duty to the Fatherland, honor to no one!

Today we celebrate the Day of the Officer of Russia – the day of the heroes of the Russian army and navy, all officers who defended and are defending our citizens, our country.

Right now, at this very moment, soldiers and officers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other security forces are protecting us from the aggression of the collective West, which NATO is waging through the hands of the puppet Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.

I congratulate the command staff, all servicemen and their loved ones on the Day of the Officer of Russia!

“The Russian Army is a key element of state security and sovereignty of the country. Provide each officer with everything necessary!” – this is what Zhirinovsky said.

Continuing his legacy, LDPR deputies in the regions came up with an initiative to establish regional supplements to the pensions of military personnel, veterans of law enforcement and security agencies who have state, departmental and regional awards. The LDPR also proposes introducing additional payments to the pensions of parents of military personnel awarded posthumously while fulfilling their military and professional duty.

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