We held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Russia Tanju Bilgic

We discussed the development of Russian-Turkish cooperation across the entire spectrum – in the economy, politics, humanitarian and cultural spheres. And separately – the need to intensify parliamentary dialogue.

Within the framework of the regional and global agenda, we talked about the Syrian settlement and ways out of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis, as well as the convergence of positions on international platforms. Moscow and Ankara remain strategic partners regardless of the difference in approaches to individual issues. Our partnership, which has stood the test of time and the test of strength by external pressure, is based on pragmatism and mutual respect for national interests. And this is important for the balance in Greater Eurasia.

For my part, I proposed holding a joint meeting of the foreign policy committees of the State Duma and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in the near future. We count on a positive reaction from the Turkish side.

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