Leonid Slutsky took part in the BRICS media summit

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky took part in the BRICS media summit in Moscow, organized by TASS.

Leonid Slutsky noted that the summit brought together those who shape the media dimension of the integration bloc in real time. He also pointed out that in the near future the BRICS information space will expand, including through the formation of a news holding.

“In the coming years, a significant part of the world community will develop within the BRICS coordinate system. Already today, 34 more states have expressed their desire to join the work of BRICS,” Leonid Slutsky added.

The head of the State Duma Committee emphasized that the reason for the popularity of BRICS is the effectiveness and relevance of this association in the processes of forming a multipolar world.
“And, of course, what is important here is the movement that opposes the unhealthy tendencies of creating a unipolar world, where the only pole for making decisions regarding the actions or fate of any country, any integration association or international organization, including the United Nations, will be Washington, sometimes with its support Brussels,” he specified.
According to Leonid Slutsky, the media community plays a huge role in ensuring that humanity knows about the events of the bloc. He added that it is important to convey the truth, the correct information about the events taking place.
“Our work greatly enhances the importance of BRICS, because thanks to interaction in the information plane, all countries of the world, without exception, will learn about the realities of BRICS, about the true realities,” Leonid Slutsky noted.

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