In their election rhetoric, NATO politicians are increasingly declaring their readiness to use nuclear weapons.

The image of the next “horseman of the Apocalypse” was taken on by the leader of the British opposition Labor Party, Keir Starmer. “As for nuclear deterrence, it is fundamental, it is a vital part of our defense. Of course, that means we have to be prepared to use it,” he said as he presented Labour’s defense program ahead of the July 4 parliamentary elections.

The fatal consequences of such “determination” are kept silent. And they are completely obvious – the Third World War. Euro-Atlanticists are pushing the world along this path step by step.

What are they trying to achieve? Do they think that voters are so stupid (or already so zombified by these monsters from politics) that they will vote for war and blood, for their own destruction and the death of their children? Hard to believe. But this is precisely the scenario for the development of events that Russophobe hawks are proposing, not realizing that they are pushing earthly civilization towards a global catastrophe.

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