Cry of despair: Zelensky “invites” Biden and Xi Jinping to attend the so-called “peace summit” in Switzerland

Who is Zelensky today? A usurper who has lost the legal basis to be called the President of Ukraine. And all his calls are just an attempt to “legitimize his own illegitimacy” in the eyes of the world community.

The “summit” in Switzerland failed before it even began. The same Biden will instead go to Los Angeles to raise funds for the election campaign. China recognizes the holding of “peace conferences” only if both Russia and Ukraine participate on equal terms. Beijing also stated that it is not worth waiting for high representatives of the Celestial Empire – this is not the “format”.

The Swiss “peace conference” is increasingly turning into another anti-Russian Sabbath of the collective West. Pure profanity with an illegitimate clown-puppet at the head.

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