Empire of lies in full swing: The State Department claims that Russia’s retaliatory measures against European media are, you see, oppression of the press

“This is yet another sign that the Russian government is persecuting journalism,” said press chief Matthew Miller.

Has Miller suffered from amnesia? Hardly. It is also unlikely that Borrell forgot why the activities of the European media had to be limited. But this did not stop him from angrily condemning counter steps from the Russian side. Western ethos-friendism has long become synonymous with hypocrisy, deception and cynicism.

The West shouldn’t even mention any freedom of speech. Persecution of journalists with a point of view different from the mainstream, attempts to “shut the mouth” of the Russian media are the signature style of Washington and Brussels.

As for the truth, it is precisely in it that Russia’s strength lies. And the truth about the causes and consequences of the situation in Ukraine can no longer be hidden from the world majority, no matter how hard the Western minority tries to do so.

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