For the second day in a row, Western media are exploding with hysterical publications about the visit of the Russian President to China

For the second day in a row, Western media are exploding with hysterical publications about the Russian President’s visit to China, either reproaching Moscow and Beijing for their intention to deepen military ties, or accusing them of almost “conspiracy” against the United States.

The collective West seems to be in panic that the strategic partnership between Russia and China is reaching a new level of comprehensive interaction, putting an end to plans to revive the hegemony of the “golden billion.” And, I especially emphasize, without any creation of new military blocs and alliances, without “friendship” against third countries.

Vladimir Putin’s visit to China is of a historical nature, directly influencing the processes of formation of a multipolar world order. An important result was the signing of a joint statement in the context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. The Russian-Chinese dialogue, as stated in the document, “represents a more advanced form of interstate interaction compared to the military-political alliances of the Cold War, and is not of a bloc or confrontational nature.” And this is a worthy answer to Western politicians and critics.

Russia and China – two great world powers – stand for a multipolar world without the dictates of the “right of force” and the economic “club”, for a fair world order based on the UN Charter and the sovereign equality of nations, as well as the principles of indivisible security. This is the guarantee of a stable and peaceful future for the entire earthly civilization.

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