Georgian parliament chose sovereignty

The Georgian parliament chose sovereignty – the President’s veto on the law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” was overcome by a majority vote, despite the enormous pressure from the collective West.

But sovereignty and national interests are not at all something that will be appreciated in Washington and Brussels. “The law adopted by the Georgian parliament contradicts the basic principles and values ​​of the EU,” said a joint statement by the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, and the European Commission. We weren’t surprised, to be honest. The three pillars of European values ​​today are lies, cynicism and double standards. If we add dictatorship, blackmail, threats and the imposition of anti-Russian policies, we will get a complete picture of how the collective West is building relations with Tbilisi.

That’s not all. The Atlanticists continue to warm up the Georgian street. A rally on Rustaveli Avenue of representatives of various NGOs funded from abroad is taking place … under the flags of the EU and the USA. The West is openly provoking instability in the Transcaucasus in order – and the Georgian leadership speaks about this – to create a second front against Russia on the southern approaches. And if the situation in Tbilisi goes beyond the legal framework, all responsibility for this will lie with Borrell and Biden.

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