Russian-French Committee in Support of Pavel Durov

The French authorities are presenting Pavel as an accomplice to terrorism, accusing him of all sorts of “nonsense” such as complicity in drug trafficking, crimes against children, or fraud. The reason is the lack of moderation in the Telegram messenger. With such a dead-end logic, you can go far: it turns out that the inventor of the table fork is guilty of all crimes where this fork has repeatedly been used as a weapon of crime in history.

Various organizations, including criminal ones, use the messenger to communicate and discuss their activities not because Pavel personally helps them, but because it is a high-quality software product, a brilliant invention of our compatriot.
Everyone understands perfectly well that the French and those who stand behind them need not moderation, but censorship.

According to French law, Pavel Durov must be released within 48 hours of his arrest. If this does not happen, my fellow parliamentarians and sensible European politicians and I plan to create a Russian-French committee in his support.

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