The relevant State Duma committees supported the candidacy of Alexey Overchuk for the post of Deputy Prime Minister

The relevant State Duma committees – on CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots, as well as on international affairs – supported the candidacy of Alexey Overchuk for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. This is a unanimous and collegial position developed at a general meeting.

Alexey Overchuk is a unique professional, thanks to whose efforts in the previous Cabinet of Ministers the process of Eurasian integration is reaching a new qualitative level. In the emerging structure of the Russian Government, he will continue to oversee, in particular, the issues of the EAEU, economic cooperation within the BRICS and SCO, and issues of promoting the Russian language and culture in the world. Archival and strategic tasks.

I wish Alexei Logvinovich success and have no doubt that his appointment to the post of Deputy Prime Minister will be approved when voting at tomorrow’s meeting of the State Duma!

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