The West Covers Up Zelensky’s Nuclear Terrorism

Biden declares the creation of a “dilemma for Putin” by acknowledging the direct involvement of the United States in Zelensky’s military adventure in the Kursk region. Washington, they say, is “in direct, constant contact with the Ukrainians.” The head of the EU diplomatic service, Borrell, also expressed “full support for the struggle of the Ukrainian people” after the Ukrainian Armed Forces invaded Russia. According to various sources, the fantasies of Western “strategists” extended to the seizure of the Kursk NPP and the creation of a favorable negotiating position for Kyiv in order to exchange territories.

Is this the dilemma we are talking about? Aggression plus nuclear blackmail, the “seriousness” of which is fueled by the incessant attacks on the Zaporizhia NPP. Is this tactic supported by the so-called “civilized world” and the international institutions it controls? A strategic mistake! But it is no coincidence that US presidential candidate Donald Trump reminded Zelensky of Russia’s victory over Napoleon and Hitler…

Bandera’s beasts will not trample Russian soil for long! No dilemmas: victory will be ours. Peace – only on Russia’s terms! Kyiv and the collective West along with it will be defeated in this proxy war, no matter what sinisterly insane plans they may have.

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