Alexander Lukashenko offered his way to a peaceful settlement of the situation in Ukraine

The first is to stop hostilities, the second is to declare a truce, and the third is to fix the positions of the parties without the right to move and regroup weapons. Kyiv immediately answered “no!”.  The plan of the President of Belarus did not survive even a day.

No wonder – with the freezing of the armed conflict, the interest of “sponsors” in Ukraine can rapidly fall, and the Zelensky regime will be left alone with the problems of the pseudo-state that Ukraine has become as a result of the loss of sovereignty and betrayal of national interests during the years of neo-Nazi rule.

That is, there is nothing to lose. Therefore, Kyiv, judging by his reaction, was not impressed by Lukashenka’s warning that under certain circumstances Russia would be obliged to use the entire power of the army – both depleted uranium and enriched uranium. The leader of Belarus – our partner in the Union State – will not waste words. But they didn’t hear. Just as they did not hear the warnings of the President of Russia at the end of 2021.

It’s time to admit that Kyiv, pushed by Washington and Brussels to take suicidal steps, wants to draw Europe, if not the whole world, into the military funnel – absolutely.

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