American-style democracy: The US State Department has threatened sanctions for supporting elections in Russia

American-style democracy: The US State Department has threatened sanctions for supporting elections in Russia – in Crimea, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, including international experts.

The United States decided to include a “propaganda horror story,” apparently fearing that “arguments” in the form of cluster bombs and depleted uranium shells would not be enough. Counting on what? Try again to intimidate people who have already made their courageous choice to be with Russia? It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now!

Donbass, Zaporozhye, Kherson region today in democratic elections are electing a government that can guarantee them the right to speak and think in their native Russian language, the right to life without Nazism, the right to preserve traditional family and cultural values, the right to the well-being of the elderly and children. And most importantly, the right to peace! I am confident that people in the new Russian territories will give a worthy response to all Washington’s sanctions threats on the ballot.

And international experts who were not afraid of Western “warnings” and “horror stories” deserve the greatest respect! I have no doubt that their WORD OF TRUTH will definitely be heard in a world that is much wider than the boundaries of the “golden billion”.

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