Anti-Russian oxymoron as a diagnosis

Biden considers the issuance of an International Criminal Court warrant against Vladimir Putin “justified” by the decision. The fact that neither Russia, nor the United States, nor the same Ukraine fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC does not bother the American president at all.

In a world of divided consciousness, double standards feel quite confident. The position of the court – legally untenable, insignificant – but, according to Biden, “strong enough” (!). Anti-Russian oxymoron.

But there is more… In 2006, the ICC launched an investigation into US war crimes in Afghanistan. However, from the point of view of Washington, of course, there was no reason, so the judges were threatened with sanctions.

If we follow the case law, which is so commonly referred to in the United States, then today all those judges who made an absolutely unacceptable decision regarding the Russian President and the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Russian Federation should, first of all, from the American point of view, be subjected to restrictions rather than being “justified”.

Therefore, both the ICC and Biden are just a pitiful sight. But there are other courts as well. And sooner or later they will definitely deal with real war criminals – the Zelensky junta and their patrons. And it will be a much more justified decision.

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