Borrell called the escalation of the Arab-Israeli conflict a political failure of the West

“This is the last possibility: if we do not succeed in a two-state solution, we will find ourselves in a spiral of violence and mutual hatred for generations to come,” he told a conference of European ambassadors in Brussels.

“Courageous” confession! But will European politicians have the courage to recognize the real causes of destabilization, and not only in the Middle East? As long as Brussels continues to follow the lead of Washington and its policy of “smart investments” to impose hegemony, it is unlikely.

The West is on the verge of moral bankruptcy. Lies, cynicism, neocolonialism and the notorious double standards will sooner or later “bring down” the establishment of the Old World.

The Palestinian-Israeli and Ukrainian conflicts have common roots. They are directly related to many years of imposing their interests on the part of the United States and its vassals and ignoring the interests of other parties, primarily in the sphere of global security. And this is worth admitting to barrels, blinken and others!

Today, this policy threatens to boomerang across the collective West. We recently talked about this in the next episode on the channel “Deputy Slutsky”.

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