British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that there will be no strikes against Russia with Western weapons, but with one condition

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that there will be no strikes against Russia with Western weapons if Moscow withdraws troops from territories that “Ukraine considers its own.”

In the wretched consciousness of the Anglo-Saxons, Russia, under the threat of ultimatums from London and Washington, can abandon new regions and Crimea? This will never happen! We do not give in to blackmail and do not trade Russian lands! Westerners will never understand this truth. That’s why they stumble over their own rake again and again, turning supposedly good intentions about the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict into empty chatter and putting forward obviously unacceptable conditions and “peace formulas.”

The new borders of Russia are determined by the people’s will, fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are not subject to any “exchange transactions”. Insisting on the “withdrawal of troops” under the threat of increasing missile attacks means provoking a further escalation of tension, increased aggression and pushing the world towards World War III. This is what the collective West is doing today…

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