European integration with a stretch

In Moldova, as it turned out following the referendum, only half of the population (50.43%) is striving to join the European Union. And the realization of the need for a European future came literally in the last minutes of counting the plebiscite results (after processing 90% of the ballots, the picture was different – 44.9%). Only 9 out of 36 regions voted for joining the EU.

The anomaly with the increase in votes can have different origins. Especially considering the non-transparent and unfree campaign, the purge of the opposition, censorship, blocking of media and Internet resources with a different point of view, and the outright interference of the West. The “victory” on the verge of failure leaves many questions and only aggravates the split in society.

The Sandu regime – he has said this many times – is stepping on the Ukrainian rake, pursuing a course towards introducing external control in the country, effectively against the will of the Moldovan people.

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