Exactly one year ago, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, passed away.

An outstanding politician, a personality of historical proportions. Patriot. Prophet. Teacher.

He truly loved his country. He devoted his whole life to Russia, always defending the interests of the Russian world and compatriots.

This is a huge loss. Vladimir Volfovich was the undisputed leader, for many a wise mentor who gave a “start in life”, in big politics. He was admired, bowed before him, he will never be forgotten in Russia, and not only. “And what would Zhirinovsky say to this?” – sounds among the people even after his untimely death. We all miss Vladimir Volfovich.

Zhirinovsky was a tribune from God. A bright and talented polemicist who knew how to convince even irreconcilable opponents of the justice of his position. Many attribute to him the gift of political foresight. But all his forecasts were based on the most accurate analytics, deep knowledge of world processes and the ability to understand people.

Vladimir Volfovich himself sincerely loved his voters, our Russian people, believed in his strength. “We are for the Russians, we are for the poor” – not just a party slogan of those years, these words came from his heart. And people answered him the same, it was Zhirinovsky who was asked for help, and he never refused.

We will preserve and continue the work of the Founder of our Party. This is our duty to Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, our duty to the voters and the country. The Liberal Democratic Party is developing and will continue to develop! Many talented people come to the party who are ready to follow the course of Zhirinovsky in the name of the great future of Russia! Today, there are already more than 350 thousand of us, more than 20 thousand people joined the party ranks after April 6, 2022.


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