I support the proposal of the President to use only domestic cars

Our auto industry has always been quoted in the world for reasons of high maintainability and convenience for solving the problems of an ordinary person. For example, I know that Lada is a true friend and assistant for many regional and local branches of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Recently, he himself purchased the first Lada, assembled in St. Petersburg. Comfortable, quality car. We recognize that our automotive industry needs an additional incentive for development, primarily for the development of its own, Russian technologies. It is necessary to encourage manufacturers and at the same time be extremely demanding on the quality of products.

The entire technological industry in the country needs an “intellectual” shake-up, new ideas, engineers, technologists, which our education can provide, if we attract talented guys through a competition, provide them with the opportunity to study for free. So the country will be able to overcome the technological gap imposed on us by former partners.


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