If in the country the enterprises working to achieve the goals of the SVO are obsolete by the hands of officials, the most decisive measures must be taken

What is happening now with Sibcraspolymer is an obvious example of illiterate city management. We introduced the concept of integrated development of territories a few years ago, but is it possible to include in the KRT an operating enterprise that has created hundreds of jobs in Krasnoyarsk and produces high-tech products for the needs of the defense industry with orders for many months in advance?
And this enterprise should be demolished, and housing should be built in its place.

I am ready to answer for my words: I spent a significant part of my parliamentary career in the Caucasus. Nobody can blame me for this. But for the illiterate city management, indeed, it is necessary to answer.
It is strange how painfully criticism is perceived, and the dispersal of discontent in social networks with the participation of bots is more important than real deeds for people.

The Liberal Democratic Party will continue to work and defend the interests of the people. Krasnoyarsk residents should live in decent conditions.
During the NWO period, one should not be offended by emotions, but shoulder to shoulder to defend the interests of those who really work for the country, for the people, for the NWO. And then we will definitely succeed.

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