In the Netherlands, Eurosceptics won the parliamentary elections – the far-right Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders

The third went: in the Netherlands (following Slovakia and Hungary), Eurosceptics – the far-right Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders – won the parliamentary elections.

The West is shocked and the success of the Dutch Freedom Party is called a “real nightmare” for the EU. It is quite typical that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who congratulated Wilders, was among the first to say: “The winds of change are coming!”

Having gained votes on the anti-immigration agenda, the leader of the Freedom Party not least advocates restraint in military spending on Ukraine. Wilders’ position is almost in unison with the opinion of Bratislava and Budapest and, accordingly, threatens to further undermine the so-called “European unity”. Perhaps the matter will not reach “Nixet”, by analogy with “Brexit”, but as for consensus, including on the issues of the next tranches for the Nazi junta, it will be much more difficult for the European Union to achieve it.

It is clear that voters supported in the elections in the Netherlands exactly the party that today to a greater extent expresses national interests and proposes solutions that protect the sovereignty and rights of citizens. The Dutch do not want their money to go to someone else’s war.

The “wind of change” clearly blew towards Kyiv. And the day is not far off when he will blow away both Zelensky and his puppeteers in a hurricane.

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