Threats to the life and health of Russian citizens from migrants must not be allowed. The LDPR faction is analyzing options for closing those loopholes in the law that allow people capable of breaking the law to enter our country. One of the bills was submitted to the State Duma today. We propose to permanently ban entry into Russia for those who have already been convicted. It doesn’t matter whether the criminal record is expunged. We don’t need anyone who could even potentially break the law.
We must sift through a very fine sieve everyone claiming the right to work in Russia. An honest, talented person, ready to work with full dedication – please come. We have a huge country, extra hands are always useful. But these must be highly qualified employees who can benefit the country’s economy or close those areas of the labor market that we ourselves cannot yet fill.
There are examples of thoughtful migration policies around the world. And there are thoughtless ones too. Horrible footage from Europe, where local residents suffer from the aggression of migrants who arrived and live on benefits. We need filtering and strict control. It is worth focusing on the experience of the countries of the Middle East and Asia. The safety of Russian citizens is not a field for experimentation.