Leonid Slutsky: A decree on holding a referendum on joining Russia was signed in the Zaporozhye region

In the Zaporozhye region, a decree was signed on holding a referendum on joining Russia. The same goes for other liberated territories.

Zelensky, having no opportunity to influence these processes, suddenly remembered the negotiations! Like, Russia in this case will close the possibility of dialogue with Ukraine and the “free world”. The latter probably refers to Western countries, for which their own problems are increasingly coming to the fore.

I would like, of course, to recall that the negotiation process was launched at the repeated requests of Kyiv, but was actually put on hold by the Ukrainian side as well. Obviously, there was a pointing finger from Washington.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. The inhabitants of the liberated territories – and only they – will decide how and with whom they live. And no “scarecrows” from Zelensky or attempts to bargain will affect this.

The Ukrainian authorities, by the incessant shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, have well demonstrated their attitude towards the inhabitants of the region, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that they do not want to remain in such a state. They are clearly not on the path with neo-Nazis and, in fact, “nuclear terrorists.”

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