Leonid Slutsky: “Commander of the US Navy in Europe and Africa, Admiral Robert Burke says that Russia is allegedly provoking the United States to strike in the Black Sea”

Leonid Slutsky: “The Commander of the US Navy in Europe and Africa, Admiral Robert Burke, declaring that Russia is allegedly provoking the United States to strike in the Black Sea, speaks in the spirit of rhetoric familiar to Washington, trying once again to” dump from a sick head to a healthy one. ”

Burke’s words are especially discordant against the background of the recent incident with the invasion of a British destroyer into the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. Then the Russian border guards professionally and carefully suppressed exactly what is called a “provocation”. We will continue to guard the state border and give a tough rebuff to anyone who tries to violate it.

As for the statements of Admiral Burke, perhaps we see an attempt, at the expense of Russophobic hysteria, to camouflage the true intentions of NATO countries to escalate the situation in the Black Sea basin. This is not just verbal saber-rattling, these are extremely destructive and dangerous statements.”

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