Leonid Slutsky: Great Britain blocked the participation of the Russian delegation in the summer session of the OSCE PA in Birmingham

Russian parliamentarians were rudely denied entry visas.

The head of the delegation, Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy, has already notified the structures of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly that such arbitrariness of London makes all the resolutions adopted during the summer session null and void and illegitimate for Russia. If the trends to infringe on the rights of Russian deputies and senators continue, this will force us to take adequate response measures.

For now, we are not discussing withdrawal from the Parliamentary Assembly, but the further position depends on how much the OSCE PA will be able to curb outright politicking and Russophobia on its site. If there are attempts to squeeze out or suspend Russia’s participation in this inter-parliamentary organization, we reserve the right to leave it.


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