Leonid Slutsky: I put the final point in the discussions of experts on the topic “LDPR, what’s next?”

Today in Rossiyskaya Gazeta was published my article dedicated to the year as chairman of the LDPR, in which I put the final point in the discussions of experts on the topic “LDPR, what’s next?”.

The LDPR follows the path of technological development, political diplomacy, continuing to adhere to the precepts of its founder, the great politician of modern Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The Party gathers and unites social, patriotic forces, ready and able to bring closer by personal example the moment of historical truth that the Motherland is passing through.

LDPR supports the President in all endeavors! But this does not mean that we are dragging along in a long line of political convoys. We were and remain a party of constructive opposition, a party of young people of different ages, religions, living in all regions of Russia without exception.

I call on all of us to argue and discuss together, since the Liberal Democratic Party has always been open to discussion and able to defend its position. Let’s continue to work together to achieve Victory, to benefit our country, not to lie or be afraid, always look ahead and shape with our actions, initiatives, dreams the image of the future that the people of Russia expect from us!

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