Leonid Slutsky: Josep Borrell believes that Europe should “learn to use the language of force”, respond to threats, look for partners and create coalitions

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell believes that Europe should “learn to use the language of force”, respond to threats, seek partners and build coalitions.

The problem of today’s EU is not that it does not know, as Mr. Borrell put it, the language of force, but that Brussels receives a list of the right partners and coalitions from Washington and blindly follows in its wake.

What prevented the European Union from making efforts earlier and preventing the Ukrainian crisis? To do this, it was only necessary to take into account the interests of all parties and not slam the “windows of opportunity” in the dialogue with Russia. The notorious Euro-Atlantic solidarity did not help to preserve the common security system and prevent the spread of neo-Nazism.

Europe should regain its sovereignty and live by its own mind, as they say in Russia. In the meantime, with its countless sanctions packages and the pumping of Ukraine with weapons to confront Russia, Brussels simply confirms the words of US President Biden, which he said during his tenure as senator in 1995. “Europe cannot be united without the United States. There is no moral center in Europe,” he said during a discussion about sending US troops to Bosnia.

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