Leonid Slutsky: The authorities of Kyiv named one of the streets after the bandit, leader of the Chechen separatists Dzhokhar Dudayev

This was reported by Rada Goncharenko, known for his tantrums at the PACE site. The one who filmed his fun for the sake of the ashes in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014.

Terrorism is increasingly elevated to the rank of the state policy of Ukraine, standing on the same level as neo-Nazism. The methods are almost the same – terrorist attacks, murders for the purpose of intimidation, torture and the use of civilians as human shields, the glorification of fascists and gang leaders.

It began with the fact that the Ukrainian authorities raised the Nazi accomplices Bandera and Shukhevych to their banners, “ennobling” their shameful biographies and calling them national heroes. Now they have begun perpetuating the names of international terrorists. We all well remember the hostage-taking at Dubrovka and Beslan, the explosions of residential buildings in Russian cities. The blame for all this lies with the followers of Dudayev. And now this is also a new hero for Ukraine?

The “de-Russification” of Kyiv announced by Klitschko will sooner or later turn into a total denazification of Ukraine. There is no way back!

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