Leonid Slutsky: “The leaders of the Baltic countries continue the Russophobic competition for the prize in the nomination “Who will overtake Zelensky in the title of“ Chief neo-Nazi of recent history”

Not everyone had time to move away from the “privileged” proposal of the Estonian prime minister to ban the issuance of visas to Russians in the EU countries, as today the President of Latvia, Egils Levits, “noted”. He went further and called for a review of residence permits (permits) issued earlier to citizens of the Russian Federation.

In other words, Levits wiped his feet on his own national legislation, the implementation of which, apparently, depends on the political situation. To be more precise, on how much the leadership of Latvia wants to bend even more in front of the collective West.

The very idea of ​​such a revision is disgusting. To put it bluntly, this is Nazism in its purest form and the infringement of rights and freedoms on a national basis. But Latvia, where former Waffen SS legionnaires are still marching in the capital’s squares, apparently decided to “catch up and overtake.”

If we discard the terry double standards, then such passages could well become the subject of close attention of international human rights organizations. But here’s the bad luck: even Amnesty International, which could never be ranked among the sympathizers of the Russian Federation, is now forced to make excuses for reporting on the crimes of the Ukrainian regime during the NWO. Now they will be checked by “independent experts”. Can you imagine something similar if it were about the actions of Russia?

Almost like in that joke, there is “Nazism” and “war crimes of the Kyiv regime”, but there are no such words in the Western mainstream.”

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