Liberal Democratic Party supported the report of the Parliamentary Commission to investigate the circumstances related to the creation of US biological laboratories in Ukraine

The LDPR faction supported the final report of the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation of the Circumstances Related to the Creation by American Specialists of Biological Laboratories on the Territory of Ukraine, which was approved unanimously by the State Duma today.

The Commission has done an unprecedented job of gathering evidence for the monstrous, dare I say it, United States military biological research in Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian and medical programs.

Washington and its puppet regime in Kyiv grossly and systematically violated the norms of the BTWC (Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction) and international humanitarian law. The goal is clear: the possibility of creating biological weapons against a certain (Slavic) ethnic group. For this purpose, the United States has prepared in Ukraine both a springboard and a testing ground for testing their misanthropic developments. Nobody spared the Ukrainians themselves. Soldiers died, experiments were carried out in psychiatric hospitals, poisoned banknotes were planted in schools in Donbass.

All this again and again reveals and explains the direct interest of the United States in the unconstitutional change of power in Ukraine. In 2014, there were attempts to curtail American biological laboratories, a corresponding bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, but … in February of the same year, with the support of Washington, there was a bloody Maidan, and the initiative was immediately withdrawn from the Ukrainian parliament.

The illegal activities of the United States in the field of military biological programs threaten the security not only of Russia, but of the whole world. We must continue to press for a major international investigation into this area. I am sure that our strategic partners will definitely support us in this.

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