Lies on a universal scale have no statute of limitations, they must be punished

Two dates in February – 02/05/2003 and 02/12/2015 only at first glance have little in common. In fact, they are directly connected by a single logical chain – the chain of “hegemony”, which Washington and its European satellites are still trying to throw over the whole world.

The first date is the day when, 20 years ago, US Secretary of State Colin Powell, shaking a test tube with white powder and calling it an Iraqi weapon of mass destruction, in fact, blatantly deceived the UN Security Council. Then it was necessary to justify the invasion of the Western coalition troops into Iraq, the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein and – in fact – the destruction of the country. The Americans never found weapons of mass destruction from Saddam, but they provoked an unprecedented increase in extremism in the region, which later led to the emergence of ISIS*.

The second date is the day of the signing of the Minsk agreements. Or rather, as it was recently revealed, the day when the conspiracy of the collective West against Russia was legally formalized under the guise of peacekeeping, but in fact in order to create an anti-Russian foothold in neo-Nazi Ukraine.

Days of big lies. One deception provokes and gives birth to a new one. There would have been no “Powell’s test tube”, perhaps there would have been no later Western campaign against Libya, attempts to shift the legitimate government in Syria, support for the bloody coup d’état on the Maidan in Kyiv and, as a result, the “Minsk conspiracy”.

I support the proposal of Viacheslav Volodin ( and Valentina Matvienko ( about the need to discuss on the UN platform, Washington’s actions to deceive the world community and initiate an investigation of its crimes against humanity. And in the same context, I repeat, to raise the issue of the “revelations” of Merkel and Holland regarding the Minsk agreements, enshrined in a UN Security Council resolution (!). A lie on a universal scale, indeed, has no statute of limitations, it must be punished.

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