Look for who benefits, or the beneficiaries of the Ukrainian conflict

The United States is increasingly using Kyiv puppets to finally deprive its Euro-Atlantic “partners” of industrial sovereignty.

Only the naive would believe that Biden summoned Scholz to once again confirm the need for political and military support for Ukraine to the bitter end. Apparently, not without reason, Bloomberg before the visit of the German Chancellor reported that the White House intends to put pressure on Scholz and persuade him to transfer the production of German ammunition to American territory.

Kyiv does not get tired of complaining about the lack of weapons and literally demands from the “allies” to increase supplies. Washington, where the military-industrial lobby is increasingly in charge of politics, needs to concentrate under its “roof”, supposedly in the interests of a common cause, the production of weapons with modern German, and even French technologies.

Scholz was not even allowed to take his journalistic pool. They managed without the traditional press approaches following the meeting, as they apparently understood that the question about the true purpose of the visit would certainly have been raised. Not for the same reason did the German chancellor fly overseas to announce actions against Russia “in unison”.

So who benefits from the continuation of the Ukrainian conflict and the unprecedented build-up of weapons for Kyiv, doomed to defeat? Who would benefit from undermining the Nord Stream to cut off contacts with Russia in the development of energy, thereby destroying opportunities for interaction in other areas? It is simply amazing that European politicians deny themselves even the right to honestly answer these questions. Marshall plan with a minus sign.

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