Sovereignty is the main word in Vladimir Putin’s speech at the Council of Legislators in St. Petersburg

State sovereignty, industrial sovereignty, educational sovereignty. Its protection is primarily in the interests of the Russians. A country-civilization should never obey the “rules” invented by the collective West.

But this does not mean, as the President said, any self-isolation. Russia will build harmonious relations with all partners and strategic allies on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. We are ready to make our contribution in the field of parliamentary diplomacy for the development of cooperation with friendly states in Eurasia, Africa, and Latin America. And we are already actively working in this direction, realizing the goals of the new Concept of Russia’s foreign policy.

But I would also draw attention to the words of the head of state about the need for “fine tuning” of all the mechanisms involved that ensure stability in the economy, improve the well-being of people, and address issues of the quality of medical care and education. And, of course, working to achieve the goals of the NWO. These are the top priorities for all of us today.

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