Suitcase Station: Riga is evicting Russians en masse

At least 1,213 Russian citizens whose residence permits in the republic have not been extended will be expelled from Latvia

Hello, fascist power? Russophobia is at the forefront of the policies of the Baltic countries, since it has long been their “entrance ticket” to NATO and the EU. Russia will not leave Russians deported from Latvia to their fate if they want to return to their homeland. We don’t abandon our own.

As Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and head of the Russian Peace Foundation, I have long been involved in the problems of Russians and compatriots who are in trouble abroad. What can I say? In the current situation with discrimination against Russians in unfriendly countries, it is necessary, first of all, to revise migration legislation to simplify the return to Russia, including of those families whom the collapse of the Soviet Union found in the former Soviet republics. And also to finally recognize Russophobia as a criminal offense! We have been talking about this since last year and at different levels! The responsibility here must be severe. We are ready to propose amendments to the legislation.

War has been declared against the Russian world. And the laws must be appropriate for wartime! We learned more on the channel “Deputy Slutsky”.

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