The Anglo-Saxons, in a Russophobic frenzy, are paving the way to the abyss of global bloodshed

It became known about London’s proposals to send a secret NATO expeditionary force to Ukraine.

Does the UK realize the full danger of the consequences of such a scenario? In essence, we are talking about the inevitability of a direct clash between the forces of the North Atlantic Alliance and Russia.

This will be far from just a “war by proxy” and “until the last Ukrainian.” The likelihood of World War III will increase significantly. This is where the zombied West and its “advanced” anti-Russian squad – Washington, Brussels and, of course, London – are pushing the world.

Against the backdrop of large-scale NATO exercises in Europe and a cannonade of false allegations about an impending Russian attack on the Alliance countries, such leaks only confirm that the bloc is working out a scenario of military actions against our country. An extremely dangerous game with fire! Adherents of Western hegemony are ready to put the existence of civilization itself at stake in order to maintain the passing era of dominance of the United States and its minions.

There can be no winners in the Third World War, where the leading nuclear powers are consistently being drawn into. Russia is well aware of this and does not intend to attack any of the NATO countries. But if the forces of the Alliance, in a mad rush, encroach on Russian territorial integrity and state security interests, a response will inevitably follow.

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” – this is how Alexander Nevsky, who is now actually “banned” in Ukraine, threatened the Varangians. The Synod of the schismatic OCU “excluded” from its church calendar the day of memory of the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. While the Western “horde” is gathering strength, Ukrainian collaborators are erasing the history and culture of their people to zero.

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