The “Direct Line” and the final press conference of the President of Russia in terms of answers to questions on the international agenda were closely followed by the entire collective West

The world’s tabloids – even before the end of the live broadcast – were full of headlines with the most striking quotes from the Russian leader.

Vladimir Putin very accurately described the neocolonial policy of the United States and the EU. Some are choking on imperial ambitions, others have lost their sovereignty and are looking, as the President put it, at their “big brother.” The United States cannot come to terms with the inevitable – the collapse of its own hegemony. This is precisely what is connected with the manic desire to contain Russia and impose its priorities on Europe to the detriment of the interests of the countries of the Old World.

It was not we who started the confrontation in Ukraine; this is a consequence of the 2014 coup d’état, which was organized, in fact, by the United States. It was not we who broke off relations with Washington and Brussels; it was not we who introduced double standards in international affairs, which are so clearly visible in the examples of the Ukrainian and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. The result is tragedy and catastrophe for millions of people, economic losses, the threat of a crisis and a decline in living standards in general.

Our country, as Vladimir Vladimirovich said, is ready for negotiations and for the normalization of relations, but on equal and mutually respectful terms, not at the cost of its sovereignty, as the Europeans do. We will definitely defend our independence and security, national interests, and achieve the goals of the Northern Military District, which remain the same – denazification and demilitarization of the Kyiv regime. Russia is not one of those states that will “shoot itself in the foot” for the sake of an illusory friendship with the West. And our former partners must understand this.

The world is much wider than the boundaries of the “golden billion” – this is an indisputable truth. The United States, in its attempts to maintain its self-assigned “exceptionalism,” risks becoming isolated. And this is well demonstrated by the latest votes at the UN General Assembly. I am ready to subscribe to every word of Vladimir Vladimirovich; many citizens, including in the West, support the actions of our country, considering them correct. Among them are parliamentarians, politicians with whom we maintain contacts, and representatives of big business.

The policy of “abolishing” Russia on the part of the collective West has completely failed. We have walked and are walking the “right road”.

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