The European Union is ready to move from external repression to internal sanctions for “disobedience” and apply them to its own EU members

According to the Financial Times, Brussels is exploring the option of depriving Hungary of its vote so that it does not interfere with giving European taxpayers’ money to Ukraine.

As you know, Budapest recently blocked the allocation of 50 billion euros to Kyiv, and the European Union is hastily trying to figure out what to do with this “enfant terrible” in order to neutralize its veto power, even if temporarily. The adoption of such a decision is fraught with the most serious consequences both for each member state (any other country may find itself in Hungary’s place tomorrow and be discriminated against), and for the structure as a whole, since the concepts of consensus and Euro-solidarity will be replaced by Euro-dictate.

If the publication’s information is confirmed, the EU, by the very fact of such a discussion, will sign for undermining its own fundamental and once unshakable values, first of all, freedom of expression, not to mention sovereignty and independence. For what? For the sake of continuing the aggression against Russia, doomed to failure, and to please not even Kyiv with its neo-Nazi regime, but Washington, which is rubbing its hands from overseas and counting the “profits” from the weakening economic and political influence of European capitals in the world.

It’s high time for Europe to wake up from American zombiedom. Otherwise, not only will NATO become, as Vladimir Putin called it, the “backyard” of the United States, but the European Union also risks remaining a weak-willed appendage of Washington.

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