The Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives has taken the path of legalizing “highway robbery”

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, by supporting the bill on the transfer of Russian assets to Ukraine, essentially took the path of legalizing “highway robbery.” Washington has obviously run out of its own funds to sponsor the puppet Kyiv regime.

The law, if finally adopted, will hit the US financial system hard and destroy American myths about the reliability of investments and the inviolability of private property, and will also become – and has already become – a stop signal for other countries and international business. The European Union, by the way, is not yet ready to take similar steps, honestly recognizing the absence of legal and legal grounds for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets.

The Russian side has repeatedly warned: the West will receive an adequate response and will lose much more than it will gain. And it’s not just about money, of course—Washington is planting a time bomb under the foundations of its own economy with its own hands.

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