The German authorities are using the proxy war of the collective West with Russia to erase the historical memory of World War II

The Russian Embassy in Berlin received a notification about “the undesirability of participation of Russian officials in events marking the 79th anniversary of the liberation of concentration camp prisoners,” the Russian Foreign Ministry reported.

An absurd, outrageous situation in terms of arrogance and cynicism. They are trying to “exclude” the heirs of the victors of fascism from memorial events, thereby belittling the role of Soviet soldiers in eradicating the “brown plague.” At the cost of enormous human sacrifices, the USSR made a decisive contribution to the liberation of Europe from Hitler’s Nazism, saving tens of thousands of martyrs in Dachau, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek and other fascist “death factories.” And now Russia, the legal successor of the Soviet Union, is talking about the “undesirability” of its presence. Shame and shame!

Russia does not need anyone’s “invitation” to carefully preserve and honor the memory of the heroes of World War II, to defend historical truth and to effectively resist attempts to falsify it. We will achieve recognition of the Nazi crimes against the Soviet people during the Second World War as genocide!

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