The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, hastily removed the post from the network without having time to publicly report on the hundred thousandth loss on the Ukrainian side.

Although everyone has already quoted it.

Why were European officials afraid? Information from “open sources”? In reality, the number of deaths, according to data from the scene, is much higher.

Rather, the European Commission belatedly realized that its head imprudently violated the “conspiracy of silence” of the collective West on topics that are unpleasant for it, one of which is the loss of the Ukrainian side. In fact, this is the terrible “price” for the creation of anti-Russia and the cultivation of the neo-Nazi regime by the West in Ukraine for this.

And it’s not about freezing Russian assets that Mrs. von der Leyen should be talking about, but thinking about how to correct their geostrategic mistakes and complete the supply of weapons to Zelensky. Then the words that actually illustrate the consequences of the conciliatory policy of the EU in the Ukrainian direction will not have to be erased.

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