The LDPR faction has prepared a bill on the recognition of property acquired in a “civil marriage” as joint property

The amendments we have proposed to the Family Code will primarily protect the rights of children, as this will affect those couples who have not married, but managed to give birth to a child and acquire property. According to statistics, the number of couples unregistered in the registry office is growing every year. Today, approximately every fourth or fifth child is born out of wedlock. Adults can decide for themselves how they will continue to live – together or apart, but children must maintain an appropriate standard of living.

We in the party receive various appeals from the women who remained “on the street” and from men too. In such a relationship, everything is based on trust, and love has passed and the money is apart. Very rarely, mainly through litigation, it is possible to fairly divide the property. They lived, raised children, grew things together, which means that they need to be divided in half.

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