The LDPR team today works in the Stavropol Territory – a strategic region for the country’s food security

We visited the Stavropolsky Dairy Plant. Many employees have been working here for decades and actually care about and stand up for the quality of the products and are proud of their achievements. A wide range and demand are ensured by the plant, among other things, its own sales system and agreements with large retail chains.

The main problem that many farmers in the country face is access to the market. Chain stores are focused on high turnover, thereby simplifying their work and limiting the list of goods available to people.

Small and medium-sized businesses are the engine of the creative Russian economy. Creating opportunities for entrepreneurs is the key to development, new jobs, and improving the quality of life of people in the regions. Otherwise, farming will simply disappear.

The LDPR is currently working on a bill that will ensure the appearance of “regional shelves” in chain stores. This measure will allow local entrepreneurs to receive a constant flow of orders, the opportunity to expand production, and hire personnel. And people will receive high-quality, environmentally friendly Russian food products, not imported from China and Turkey. So far the Government is telling us that this initiative violates the rules of free trade. But we are talking about creating opportunities for small businesses to compete with large manufacturers. And people will choose, voting with rubles for a quality product.

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