The New Foreign Policy Concept is a document aimed at establishing a just multipolar world

Another loud confirmation that Russia does not threaten anyone, but will consistently defend its sovereignty and defend the interests of the state, develop cooperation with those countries that it trusts, and resolutely suppress security threats from hostile ones. This is the Concept of peaceful Eurasianism and the protection of global security.

❗️Russia as one of the sovereign centers of world development plays a unique role in maintaining the global balance of power;
❗️Russia does not consider itself an enemy of the West and is ready to cooperate on the basis of the principles of sovereign equality. At the same time, he considers the US course as the main source of threats and risks for himself and the development of mankind;
❗️Rejection of the anti-Russian policy and greater independence from the United States would favorably affect the security and well-being of European countries;
❗️Russia can use the armed forces to repel and prevent an armed attack on itself and (or) its allies;
❗️The main goal of Russia in the near abroad is to turn the region into a zone of peace, good neighborliness and prosperity;
❗️The flagship project of Russia in the 21st century is the transformation of Eurasia into a single all-continental space of peace, stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity. Russia opposes dividing lines in the Asia-Pacific region;
❗️Russia is aimed at deepening ties and coordination with friendly sovereign global centers of power – China and India, at the peaceful resolution of international issues in the Arctic. Islamic civilization is friendly, comprehensive mutually beneficial cooperation will be strengthened with it. We intend to build up cooperation with Latin America and contribute to the further development of Africa as an original and influential center of world development;
The system of international relations should ensure equal security based on the principle of reciprocity, preserving the identity of states. Russia stands for a multipolar world without neo-colonial and hegemonic ambitions.

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